Monday, November 16, 2009

New Jewish Words

Jewbilation (n..) Pride in finding out that one's favorite celebrity is Jewish or that your offspring is marrying a Jewish person.

Torahfied (n.) Inability to remember one's lines when called to read from the Torah at one's Bar or Bat Mitzvah. (OR from the Hagadah at Passover)

Matzilation (v.) Smashing a piece of matzo to bits while trying to butter it.

Bubbegum (n.) Candy one's mother gives to her grandchildren that she never gave to her own children.

Chutzpapa (n.) A father who wakes his wife at 4:00 a.m. so she can change the baby's diaper.

Deja Nu( n.) Having the feeling you've seen the same exasperated look on your mother's face, but not knowing exactly when.

Disoriyenta(n.) When Aunt Linda gets lost in a department store and strikes up a conversation with everyone she passes.

Hebort(v.) To forget all the Hebrew one ever learned immediately after one's Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

Jewdo(n.) A traditional form of self-defense based on talking one's way out of a tight spot.

Mamatzah Balls (n.) Matzo balls that are as good as your mother used to make..

Meinstein- slang. "My son, the genius!"

Mishpochadots (n.) The assorted lipstick and make-up stains found on one's face and collar after kissing all one's aunts and cousins at a reception.

Re-shtetlement(n.) Moving from Brooklyn to Miami and finding all your old neighbors live in the same condo building as you.

Rosh Hashana-na-na( n.) A rock 'n roll band from Jewish Brooklyn .

Yidentify (v.) To be able to determine Jewish origins of celebrities, even though their names might be St. John , Curtis, Davis or Taylor.

Minyastics (n.) Going t o incredible lengths and troubles to find a tenth person to complete a Minyan.

Feelawful (n.) Indigestion from eating Israeli street food, especially falafel.

Dis-kvellified (v.) To drop out of law school, med. school or business school as seen through the eyes of parents, grandparents and Uncle Sid. In extreme cases, simply choosing to major in art history when Irv's son David is majoring in biology is sufficient grounds for diskvellification.

Impasta ( n.) A Jew who starts eating leavened foods before the end of Passover.

Kinders Shlep(v.) To transport other kids besides yours in your car.

Schmuckluck (n.) Finding out one's wife became pregnant after one had a vasectomy.

Shofarsogut(n.) The relief you feel when, after many attempts, the shofar is finally blown at the end of Yom Kippur.

Feel free to add some "new Jewish words" of your own in the comment section :)

If you want, you can go to : & put your "new Jewish words" on gifts for your family & friends ie: coasters, keyrings, mugs, mousepads, etc. Check out the site & we will help you make the most original gifts.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Subject: Gov of Hawaii
I was not aware the governor of Hawaii was a woman and Jewish, were you?

She makes time for her scheduler, her cabinet and her closest advisers, of
course. but every Monday morning, Gov. Linda Lingle sits down to a meeting
unlike any other during the week.

It's with her rabbi.

Lingle's gubernatorial victory last November made her a pioneer in many

She is the first Republican to govern Hawaii in 40 years and the first
woman ever.

And she's the first Jewish governor there and only the second female
Jewish governor in U.S. history.

Lingle is hesitant to be labeled only by her religion, but she is quick to
say her faith helps define her. Judaism is a facet of Lingle's
that she says shapes her leadership perhaps more than being a woman or a
"Anyone who was raised in a Jewish family, I think, would feel the same
way," Lingle said.

Lingle's religion was never an issue during her campaign, and it seldom
garners any attention now.

At her inauguration, a rabbi gave an invocation, but so did a number of
Christian leaders.

Lingle attended a public menorah-lighting during Hanukkah and last April
took part in a Passover Seder at the governor's mansion.

On Fridays, a rabbi arrives at Lingle's office with fresh-baked challah
bread for Shabbat.

And in the entryway to the governor's home, a mezuzah has been affixed in
the doorway.
"She handles it the way Linda Lingle handles most things," said Neil
Milner, a political science professor at the University of Hawaii . "She
doesn't make a big thing out of it, she doesn't wear it on her

It's a similar public approach to that of the nation's only other sitting
Jewish governor - Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell.

Fewer than 20 Jews have been elected their state's chief executive since
David Emanuel won Georgia 's race in 1801.
Some, like Idaho 's Moses Alexander who helped establish Idaho 's first
synagogue after taking office in 1915, have particularly bolstered their
faith's community.

Lingle has no similar goal for Hawaii 's Jews - who make up fewer than 1
percent of the state's residents.

She said raising the profile of her faith is "not something conscious that
I'd like to set out to do."

Lingle grew up in St. Louis , where she attended services and Sunday
saving her dimes to plant trees in Israel .

Her family later moved to California , and after college, Lingle moved to
She eventually became a councilwoman, then mayor in Maui

She narrowly lost a gubernatorial bid in 1998, but when she ran again four
years later, backed by the bigges
t campaign fund in state history, Lingle
emerged a winner.

Her victory ended four decades of virtual one-party rule in Hawaii by the
Democrats, who were plagued by a slow economy, declining state tax
weakened union political clout and a string of corruption scandals.

Lingle promised to improve public education and to restore trust in
And while she probably could have won without the extra help, she also
gained the backing of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee as well
as Jews in California , New York and Florida .

Even the Jerusalem Post featured her in a story.

"I think she sets the example for so many groups that are
underrepresented," said Laura Stein, a lawyer who supported Lingle's

"She's like three for one."
Lingle's moderate political stance helps in
appeal to a group that typically votes Democratic.
She supports abortion rights and opposes capital punishment.

But even Jews who find themselves at odds with the governor's political
views say they take some pride in Lingle's rise.

"It demonstrates that Hawaii will continue its tradition of tolerance and
inclusiveness," said Democratic state Rep. Brian Schatz. "For that, I
think we all were proud."